Symphonic death metal group Genus Ordinis Dei announce new concept album 'Glare of Deliverance'

Symphonic death metal group Genus Ordinis Dei will unveil their new studio album Glare of Deliverance before the year is done.

Announced today, the concept album, which tells the story of a young woman named Eleanor being persecuted by the Holy Inquisition, will be released on December 4 via Eclipse Records. The concept album will be backed up music videos that combine to become an episodic series. "We've been working on this project for a long time, and as our vision for this grew more and more ambitious, we realized we'd need to put together a bigger team. We brought on a concept artist, a team of costume designers, actors & actresses, video production crews, and even a full-scale professional choir,” stated guitarist Tommy Mastermind. Actress Emilia Scarpati Fanetti (1993, Don Matteo) will portray Eleanor.

Fans can be a part of the filming process through the band’s Indiegogo campaign. The first single from the album will be released in the near future. Pre-orders will begin on September 11. This will be the follow up to the band’s 2017 studio album Great Olden Dynasty.

Glare of Deliverance track listing

1. Ritual

2. Hunt

3. Edict

4. Examination

5. Torture

6. Judgement

7. Dream

8. Abjuration

9. Exorcism

10. Fire
