Nerd parody duo The Library Bards roll a critical success with "DnD" music video

Nerd parody duo The Library Bards (Bonnie Gordon & Xander Jeanneret) are no strangers to crafting eye-popping music videos. Whether it’s “Finn and Poe” or “Pokeball,” the duo loves to showcase strong visuals alongside their catchy tunes. When it comes to working on their video for “DnD,” they invited their friends along for one action-packed ride. The finished product, which you can check out below, was directed, produced, and edited by Kira "Ziggy" Zeigler.

The song stems from their new studio album BomBARDed, which follows their 2017 debut album Bardcore. The 12-track release was funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign last year. Follow The Library Bards on Twitter and Instagram for any updates.