Epic Games Store to give away free games every week in 2020

Since its official launch at the end of 2018, Epic Games Store has been making moves with a slew of timed exclusives and free games. People enjoyed their free games so much, the company announced yesterday plans to make it a weekly thing in 2020.

On their website, Epic Games posted an infographic of their impressive 2019. The store released 73 free games with over 200 million claimed by its 108 million users. During the past year, players dropped a whopping $680 million in the store with $251 million going towards third-party games.

Aside from more free games this year, Epic Games will also continue to strengthen their relationship with developers. “In 2020, we’ll continue to lead the way in open and developer-friendly store terms, with 88% revenue sharing, support for developer and publisher payment systems, and keyless purchasing integration with Humble (more PC stores coming soon). On top of that, we’re offering integration with Epic’s platform-independent and store-independent online services with more than 300,000,000 customer accounts and 1,700,000,000 friend connections,” they stated on their website.

The Epic Games Store will exclusively release the forthcoming games Predator: Hunting Grounds and Rogue Company on PC.