Gray Forrest Games announces 44 BCE Kickstarter launch (appearing at PAX East 2022)
Gray Forrest Games has announced the Kickstarter launch date for their strategy board game 44 BCE.
Revealed today, the Kickstarter will go live on May 24. This game, which can be played between two to five players, will find everyone going for the title of first emperor of Rome. A synopsis for the game reads:
In this dramatic, emotion provoked, immersive gameplay, there are up to five suitors (player characters) - - Agrippa, Brutus, Cleopatra, Mark Antony, or Octavian. With no clear leader in place, suitors vie for control of the Roman Republic through gaining Imperium. Each year, the Senate grants Imperium Maius – ruling authority -- to the most powerful leader. Suitors must scheme, conspire and backstab until the Senate concedes one suitor has an insurmountable amount of Imperium. The suitor with the most Imperium after six rounds will be anointed the first Roman Emperor!
44 BCE lead designer Holt Gray said this about the forthcoming board game:
"We are excited to launch 44 BCE™ on the Kickstarter platform in May 2022. The process of developing, testing, and producing 44 BCE™ has been a thrilling project that fulfills a lifelong goal. Board games bring family and friends together around a common interest. We look forward to being an exciting and innovative player in the board game arena, beginning with our first product launch.”
The Kickstarter can be found here. Attendees of PAX East 2022 will be able to check out the game at booth number 12179. Badges for PAX East are on sale right now. Saturday badges are sold out, but there’s still four-day badges available. The convention takes place at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center from Thursday, April 21 to Sunday, April 24.