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The Tomorrow Children launches island design competition

Q-Games is giving fans a chance to be part of their forthcoming title The Tomorrow Children.

An island design competition is currently live, and it’ll allow one person to have their island become part of the title. The Tomorrow Children game director Dylan Cuthbert will choose the winner. Entries will close on February 1. More information on how to enter the competition can be found here.

Cuthbert said this about the competition:

“The passion and excitement we’ve seen from the community since our announcement of The Tomorrow Children’s return has been extraordinary. They continued to keep the dream alive whilst we worked to acquire the IP and now we have the opportunity to give back by offering a chance to be a part of the game’s future.

We’ve been working hard to implement brand new features and content into the game and we’re really looking forward to sharing the recent updates. This contest will allow us to embody the spirit of our players permanently into the game alongside our latest additions, which to us is incredibly special!”

Originally announced at Gamescom 2014, The Tomorrow Children was released in Early Access in 2016. Unfortunately, the title would shut down the following year. Last November, Q-Games purchased the IP from Sony Interactive Entertainment with plans of relaunching the game in the future.