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The five best games seen at Steam Next Fest 2021

Hundreds of games showed their stuff during Steam Next Fest. With so many demos available, there was something for practically every kind of gamer. These five games were some of the best featured in the week-long event.

Ravenous Devils

Developer: Bad Vices Games
Publisher: Bad Vices Games

Ravenous Devils is a cooking/business simulator with a wild twist. Controlling both Percival and Hildred, the player runs a food and clothing shop. They don’t order their supplies like normal companies, though. They kill unsuspecting customers and serve their flesh as tasty meals while selling their clothes as goods. Ravenous Devils will be released early next year.

Developer: Tobias Springer
Publisher: tobspr Games

Every kid dreamed of making a complete mess out of their school. With, players will be able to wreck chaos from the safety of their PCs. In the game, players are divided into students and teachers. As students, you must create as much chaos as possible within five minutes. Teachers, however, must restore peace by throwing students in detention.

Do Not Buy This Game

Developer: Kingblade Games
Publisher: Kingblade Games

If you're into wild narrative titles such as The Stanley Parable and There Is No Game, Do Not Buy This Game will probably be your next purchase. It’s hard to explain the demo without spoiling anything, so be sure to check out the trailer below. The game will arrive “when everything is 100% ready for you to not buy!”


Developer: Frozen Phoenix
Publisher: Frozen Phoenix

Blending the worlds of Rocket League and Quake, QFIELD is an FPS soccer title poised to be the next big eSports game. While it seems odd at first, the gameplay mechanics will have non-FPS players feeling right at home. While single-player PVP is only available, we're hoping for a possible duos/trios mode in the future.

Starship Troopers - Terran Command

Developer: The Artistocrats
Publisher: Slitherine Ltd.

Starship Troopers returns to PC with the RTS title Starship Troopers - Terran Command. A few missions are available in the demo, and they give the player plenty of insight into the game’s mechanics. Also, there’s plenty of bugs for you to shoot at. Starship Troopers - Terran Command will arrive on March 31, 2022.