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NYC singer-songwriter Rainlights releases new single “When My Phone Dies"

Photo credit: lish kabir

New York City singer-songwriter Rachel Chevat aka Rainlights unveiled their debut single “When My Phone Dies” yesterday.

Rainlights’ debut single comes two years after earning their Master's degree in Audio Production in London. The tranquil track, which can be heard below, was produced and mixed by the artist.

Rainlights said this about their new single:

"One day last summer, while sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone, my screen went black. Instead of immediately grabbing a charger, I looked up from the screen and let the silence of my room wash over me. I hadn’t been home in nearly two years. It was the longest I’ve ever been away. I was living in London and creating a life for myself there. The only thing that made New York (home) still feel tangible was my phone. That’s how I saw the faces of family and friends, that’s how I heard their voices and stayed connected to their lives.

If I told you I loved you with a paper and a pen, would it feel more real than this neon blue message? That’s the question I sat with when my phone died."

“When My Phone Dies” is available on digital services right now. More music from the artist will be released soon.

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