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D&D live-play series Acquisitions Incorporated to deliver Series 2 this fall

Popular D&D live-play series Acquisitions Incorporated will celebrate its 15th anniversary with Series 2.

Revealed today, Acquisitions Incorporated: The Series 2 will launch this September. The new series will star Jerry Holkins (co-founder of Penny Arcade and Acquisitions Inc.), Mike Krahulik (co-founder of Penny Arcade and Acquisitions Inc.) Jasmine Bhullar (streamer and veteran of TTRPG live plays including Critical Role, Dimension20, and Penny Arcade’s Court of Cups), and Anna Prosser (Producer, performing artist and mainstay in TTRPG actual plays including Acquisitions Incorporated and Dice Camera Action).

A Kickstarter to help aid costs for the forthcoming series will launch on March 8. Holkins said this about the forthcoming series and Kickstarter campaign, which can be found here:

“The only problem with tabletop gaming, other than rolling critical fails at the worst possible moment, is that we can’t fit everybody we want around the table, but Acquisitions Incorporated is the closest we’ve ever gotten. The Series 2 Kickstarter DOES, however, allow everybody to give us their money…to make the show even bigger and better, of course.”

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