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Bedtime Digital Games to hold digital music festival Save and Sound: A Celebration of Musical Experiences in Games

Bedtime Digital Games will celebrate music with Save & Sound: A Celebration of Musical Experiences in Games.

Announced today, the digital music festival, which takes place from May 27 - May 31, will feature live and pre-recorded performances and panels surrounding music and audio. Fans will be able to catch live concerts with music from Figment 2, Mutazione, Spinch, and The Metronomicon. There will also be pre-recorded sets with music from Supergiant Games, Paradise Killer, Pumpkin Jack, Genesis Noir, Call of the Sea, Rogue Legacy 2, Star Renegades, Atomicrops, Ynglet, and more.

Bedtime Digital Games CEO Klaus Pedersen said:

“Music is one of the key nutrients that keeps us creatively inspired and full of passion. The COVID-19 pandemic has halted concerts around the world and that’s really put a damper on a lot of people’s moods. Everyone is now playing games more than ever and we wanted to create something that celebrates just how magical video game music can be. We hope Save & Sound brings joy to music and video game fans everywhere!”

The festival will take place on Bedtime Digital Games’ Steam, YouTube and Twitch pages starting at 1 p.m. EST/10 a.m. PST each day. More information about the event can be found here.